Provision and transport via launches and barges

Provision and transport via launches and barges

Provision of supplies, spare parts, lubricants, fresh water, and crew transfers.

Contract this service

Supply, collection and transportation with launches and barges.

Supply or transport of:

  • Provisions, foodstuffs, stores and spares.
  • Fresh water in bulk (cisterns).
  • Lubricants and additives in bulk or in drums.

Collection services for:

  • MARPOL I liquid waste
  • MARPOL IV waste
  • MARPOL V solid waste
  • MARPOL VI solid waste
  • Oily samples.

Transportation of personnel, including:

  • Passengers, inspectors and authorities
  • Crew.

Support for:

  • Diving operations
  • Repairs
  • Anchor changes
  • Hull cleaning 
  • Marine civil work.

This service is available in three forms:

At ports

  • Castellón
    Guinea Bissau
    Tánger Med

At anchor

  • Castellón
    Tánger Med

Off port limits

  • Guinea Bissau
Contract this service
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Suministro a buques con gabarra Garbi CatSuministro a buques con gabarra Garbi Cat
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